Monday, April 5, 2010

Why I love My Family

I spent this last weekend with my family... it was a very short trip but it just made me realize how great my family is

1. I love the way both of my brothers and their wives always make me feel special and include me when both my parents are in the hospital.

2. I love when I can go to a chic flick with my sister and cry and not be embarrassed

3. I love that my 2 year old nephew says all on his own, "guess what cassi? I love you!!!"

4. I love that my nieces get excited and let me read stories with them.

5. I Love the example of my parents and the love that they have for each other... dad has not left my moms bedside for a 10 days while she has been in the hospital.

6. I love how the whole family can get together in one small hospital room and have Easter dinner

Most of all I love how we all can be together forever!!!

1 comment:

  1. OH Cass! I'm gonna cry!! You ARE SO awesome! We love you to pieces and so love having you around! :-)
