Friday, March 18, 2011

sorry im so boring

I just want to apologize for my boring blog post. I have been reading other blogs and i realize that i have a really boring life. hopefulli i can start finding more exciting things to write about, but for now you will just have to settle for things that i am thankful for :)

March 18 2011

I am thankful for finding shortcuts to work, now it is only a five minute drive
I am thankful that even though i left my handicap sticker in provo i have been able to find close parking all week.
I am thankful for clean clothes and the ability to wash them
I am thankful for make-up to help me feel pretty
I am thankful for non stressful days at work


  1. I am thankful for Cassie's non-boring blog! I like being reminded to be grateful for those things that we often forget about being grateful for. I am always reminded to remember about the little things that can make such a big difference in my day.

  2. Oh, you don't even need makeup. Trust me I've seen you A LOT of mornings and you never scared me (ok maybe just once or twice)!! ;)

    I don't think your blog is boring. I still willingly check it all of the time. I feel like mine is really boring too, but what can you do?!? At least you've been updating it. Tell us about the activities you go to, fhe, dates, work. It's all interesting!
